Missed Easter Sunday
Unfortunately for me.. this year's Easter Sunday falls on the same date as the Chinese Qing Ming Jie. Given that my parents just took a step back on the issue of religion, I decided to spend the day with them visiting and paying respect to my ancestors. So had to give the easter service a miss, although I know it will be a fantastic service to commemorate all that Jesus had done for us. And I believe that remembering your ancestors is important too, one of the precious Chinese virtues to be kept. But I would definitely want to do it in a more environmental friendly way. Incense burning should be replaced by flowers while the bai bai should be replaced with prayers.
Just watched Artificial Intelligence. My 3rd time watching it i think? And still it is a great show with a sad ending.
I could never imagine myself being a robot or just someone who will never die. Being totally alone is the worst feeling man!
And if you could resurrect one person from the past, however he or she will only live for a day. Who will you choose? and most importantly, what will you do with the precious 24 hours?
If you ask me. I really don't know. Being able to resurrect only one, I will miss the others. And to be with my loved ones, I think a lifetime may not even be enough, not to mention the mere 24 hours.
Maybe like all times, only when the situation arises, then the choice will be made.
Just watched Artificial Intelligence. My 3rd time watching it i think? And still it is a great show with a sad ending.
I could never imagine myself being a robot or just someone who will never die. Being totally alone is the worst feeling man!
And if you could resurrect one person from the past, however he or she will only live for a day. Who will you choose? and most importantly, what will you do with the precious 24 hours?
If you ask me. I really don't know. Being able to resurrect only one, I will miss the others. And to be with my loved ones, I think a lifetime may not even be enough, not to mention the mere 24 hours.
Maybe like all times, only when the situation arises, then the choice will be made.