Tuesday, May 15, 2007

SMS maybe?

Phewww.... finally no more interview for me in the SAF or RSAF. Ever since I am in the force, I have been through 4 interviews ranging from LSA 2 to now SMS. Though I wish to be awarded SMS as much, the stress is no longer on me because at least I am already "imperial-bound" (in joseph's term) and furthermore there is always SAS to fall back on.

Though I would say I am quite a veteran in military interviews, it is still nervewrecking to speak in front of a 9 member panel, knowing that all of them are judging you. And once again, they asked a few questions which I wasn't prepared for!!! Lady Luck is never on my side when comes to spotting questions.... =(

Anyway I think this interview is one of my most "honest" of all and the gut feeling is the best too! Hope it has work out well for me. Shall be notified within these few days.

Oh next week will be the Redang Trip! a final trip together before the 28th Gunners set their way to university life. Although 28th Gunners now essentially only left with 5 ppl, the bonding is still going strong. Hope it will be kept this way.

Getting really excited for encounter weekend. Not very sure what to expect though. But i heard from those who went before, it is really quite a bang! Like a whole new encounter with God, like never before.

Work has been getting a bit low key these days. Got some free time for myself and I am trying very hard to bring back the regime of Gym, Swim and Run weekly. Shall hit the gym later before heading home.
